
I have a daughter in the second year of kindergarten and I wouldn't change. For me, the basis of a good kindergarten is the teachers' careful and understanding approach to children, a nice clean environment, a variety of activities and good communication with parents. We have it all here. I was looking for a kindergarten that also offers English, where there is a native English speaker and English-speaking children every day, so my daughter moves naturally in a bilingual environment. I especially praise the kind attitude of the teachers, my daughter had a period of crying at the beginning of her attendance, at the same time it is not a complete milieu, she is sometimes quite busy, but the teachers manage everything with respect and understanding, with a natural setting of boundaries. Great satisfaction.
Jana Hickle
Google Maps, 2022

"Mommy, this is the best kindergarten in the world!" can there be a better nursery school rating than this? The teachers really do their work from the heart and I am grateful for their kind approach to children and professional communication with us parents.
Our son has been going to this kindergarten for the second year already, and for me the best evaluation is his joy and enthusiasm with which he goes to kindergarten. A varied daily program, games, baking, theater, celebrations, English, all this testifies to the immense diligence that the teachers devote to their work. He always solves everything very kindly and with respect for children and parents. I also really like the nice family environment of the entire kindergarten. Thanks to everyone at Salomon!
Tereza Kalvodová
Facebook, Google, 26/04/2022

An amazing nursery where our twins spent an unforgettable two and a half years. A nursery school in which the sons were perceived as two individual personalities from the first day, where each has their strengths elsewhere - and they need to be built on. A preschool run by people who really care about each individual child, who greet the children lovingly every morning while guiding them to knowledge and true values that matter in life. We never heard what they couldn't do or what they couldn't do - it was always a shared joy of what the boys were able to do or where they had progressed. We are grateful for every day that we were able to spend among these people, the boys went to kindergarten every morning excited and returned every day richer not only with experiences but also with the knowledge they shared with us enthusiastically. The ability to communicate in English thanks to a bilingual environment is an invaluable bonus. Thank you very much!
David Hromada, 2022

My daughter attended Salomon Family between aged 4 to 6 after our relocation from the UK. With only little Czech fluency as her starting point, she has over those 2 years picked up enough to enrol to a public primary school. The staff were supportive of our circumstances, which becomes easy to take for granted but is nothing but. Because of their private status, they have experience with a variety of life situations. In our class is a 100% expat family, a mixed Czech-foreign one as well as a Czech family whose bad luck with available public preschools led them to settle in Salomon Family. Children seem to thrive on such diversity and form friendships across language barriers. Aside from accommodating our specific needs, the staff have been all-round stars. Tireless and effective, yet kind and caring. My daughter has not had one complaint to make about the teachers. Whether it's a culture or agreed-upon ethos, one cannot help but notice a shared sense of respect, empathy, and responsibility in the class. ....
(continue next column)

......This is magic and—once again—definitely not a given. I have to admit to my poor awareness of curriculum minutia. It seems great at a glance, but to me more important are those values that have been instilled and affirmed for my daughter and she will take them with her.
On a practical note, the Our Lady of the Snows church location just off the Mustek metro station and Vaclavske namesti tram stop is impossible to beat for convenience.
The amount of arts & crafts undertaken is impressive. My daughter loves it and gets to try some of these we would never deem stain-safe at home. There are field trips, theatre company visits and regular baking. But putting all this aside, the ease with which my daughter begins her day at Salomon away from parents distinguishes a preschool that gets its job done superbly well.
Ladislav Snížek
Google Maps, 2022

Today I had the opportunity to see the end of the "school" year at Salomon Kindergarten for the first time and I can say that I was excited. I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent and familial approach of the teachers and the principal, and I appreciate it, and I am glad that our daughter goes there and looks forward to every visit. Many thanks again!
Peter Adamec
Google Maps, 2022
Great preschool where our kids spent 3 years. Family atmosphere, friendly teachers, and kids loved all of them ❤❤
Elvíra S.
Google Maps, 2022

We fondly remember the Salomon kindergarten and their warm and positive approach to children.
Olga Tre

"Mommy, this is the best kindergarten in the world!" can there be a better nursery school rating than this? The teachers really do their work from the heart and I am grateful for their kind approach to children and professional communication with us parents.
Tereza Kalvodová
Facebook, 26/04/2022

Great preschool where our kids spent 3 years. Family atmosphere, friendly teachers, kids loved all of them ❤❤
Elvira S.
Google Maps, 2022

Milý personál: ve škole každý den vždy rodilý český mluvčí a anglicky mluvící. Ředitel je laskavý, chápavý a zapojený do každodenního provozu. Menší skupina dětí než naše předchozí školka; znamená, že každé dítě dostane trochu více pozornosti. Skvělé příležitosti pro rozvoj: hudba, loutková představení, výuka jazyků ve španělštině/italštině i češtině a angličtině. Učitelé dětem pravidelně čtou a samotné děti pocházejí z mnoha mezinárodních prostředí. S touto školou jsme velmi spokojeni a náš syn ji miluje!
Angela Hoekstra
Google Maps 2022

We are very happy with Salomon Family Preschool, which, true to its name, has a family-like atmosphere, and a personal approach to the children. Our kids really enjoy going there, and the teachers are always open to communicating with parents. In addition, many activities outside of the school enrich the program, for example, trips to the theater, the planetarium, or the botanical gardens, among others.
Karin Kempf
z FB, 7. 4. 2017

Salomon je super školka ! Nejen, že paní ředitelka i učitelky jsou moc milé, ochotné a nemají s ničím problém, ale také péče o děti je bezvadná, o děti je moc dobře postaráno. Školka je útulná, čistá, je v ní spousta hraček. Navíc je u školky skvělé velké hřiště, kde si mohou děti hrát, kam mohou vyjet i na odrážedlech. Angličtina je velké plus, zpívá se tu a tančí. Chodíme do školky moc rádi a vřele ji všem doporučujeme!
z FB, 7. 4. 2017